Joost Smiers: Cultural Policy in a So-called Populist Era

Međunarodni kulturni odnosi Europske unije – Europa, svijet, Hrvatska Sažetak izlaganja Joosta Smiersa (na engleskom jeziku): Joost Smiers from Utrecht School of Arts (the Netherlands) had a presentation called Cultural Policy in a So-called Populist Era. He began by asking what kind of possibilities we have today if we want to further develop culture as …

Wieger Bakker: Science in the City! Connecting Cultural Communities Through Scientific Events

Međunarodni kulturni odnosi Europske unije – Europa, svijet, Hrvatska Sažetak izlaganja Wiegera Bakkera (na engleskom jeziku): Wieger Bakker from Utrecht University had a presentation about science in the city and the way the cultural community can benefit from cooperation between academic community, that is universities, and cities. At the very beginning of discussion he asked …

Cristina Farinha: Networks as Contemporary Diasporas Revisited (2009-2019): New Scenarios and Challenges

Međunarodni kulturni odnosi Europske unije – Europa, svijet, Hrvatska Sažetak izlaganja Cristine Farinhe (na engleskom jeziku): Cristina Farinha from University of Porto discussed about the importance of cutural networks in the last 10 years and how the level of mobility within the European Union has changed. According to Farinha, cultural sector is still faced with …

Mercedes Giovinazzo: Cultural Relations of the European Union and North Africa

Međunarodni kulturni odnosi Europske unije – Europa, svijet, Hrvatska Sažetak izlaganja Mercedes Giovinazzo (na engleskom jeziku):Mercedes Giovinazzo, from Interarts, a non-governmental organization located in Barcelona, Spain, discussed cultural relations and cooperation between the European Union and North African countries. She began her speech with a remark that our community consists of diverse people. As such, …