Ivan Markesic has been a senior research fellow at the Institute for Social Sciences Ivo Pilar since 2005. Between 1993 and 2003 he worked in The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicographyas as an editor on the editorial board of Osmojezični rječnik /Eight-languages Dictionary/. At the Croatian Studies program of the University of Zagreb he teaches sociological classes. In addition, he was a deputy chief editor and an executive editor of First Volume of Croatian Encyclopedia of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2009).
Main works: Religija u političkim strankama – na primjeru Bosne i Hercegovine/Religion in Political Parties – an Example of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2010), Leksikon članova Udruge đaka Franjevačke klasične gimnazije Visoko/A Lexicon of Members of the Association of Pupils of Franciscan Classical Grammar School (2008), Kako smo sačuvali Bosnu i Hercegovinu /How we saved Bosnia and Herzegovina, U povodu desete obljetnice Hrvatskoga narodnog vijeća BiH [1994-2004]/Anent to 10th Anniversary of Croatian National Council (2004), Luhmann o religiji /Luhmann on Religion (2001), Njemačko-hrvatski/hrvatsko-njemački rječnik /German-Croatian, Croatian German Dictionary – coauthor (1998) . He translated four books from German to Croatian as well.