Retired professor of social policy at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. He was researcher and director of the Center for Sociology of Villages and Towns of the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb and editor-in-chief of the journal Sociologija sela /Sociology of the Village/. He taught sociology at the Faculty of Defectology (1976 -1988, from 1985 as tenured professor). Founded Revija za socijalnu politiku /Journal of Social Policy/ (1994) and was its editor-in-chief until 2002. He studied and researched rural sociology and social policy and wrote numerous papers in this area. Main works: Eksodus poljoprivrednika /Exodus of farmers/ (1977), Socijalne reforme Zapada: od milosrđa do socijalne države /Social Reforms in the West: From Charity to Welfare State/ (1997), Sustavi socijalne politike /Systems of Social Policies/ (co-author, 2000), Socijalna politika: povijest, sustavi, pojmovnik /Social Policy: History, Systems, Glossary/ (co-author, 2005), Rad u Hrvatskoj: Pred izazovima budućnost /Labor in Croatia: Facing Future Challenges/ (co-editor, 2009).